For the   sake   of


(a Letter to The European Parliament)

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Political clarity

Jean-François Maquiné

Normal | Detailled

It's our duty to do something

What can be done?

The asymmetrical war

They play several moves ahead

Education's Trojan horse

Universal Basic Income

And see the world burn

Socrates, the scientific thinking and the end of shamanism

The scientific method as defined by Richard Feynman

Socrates' rule of wisdom leads to scientific thinking

Cargo cult science: the non-Socratic thinking pattern of social science

The lack of honesty

Plato vs Socrates teaching of knowledge

The house of feeble minds

The guardian of knowledge

The medical loop: the State healthcare's autoimmune disease

The unforeseen consequence of state healthcare

The medical loop disaster

How did this happen?

What consequences does it have?

Beauty, excellence, and transcendence

Spiritual desert




Knowledge shapes what you think

The method of restriction of information

How knowledge shapes new knowledge.

Seeking the truth or to be the truth

The fallen heroes

2001, an odyssey into ideologies

More betrayals

An irrationalist view on human nature: the elite and the animals

Responsibilities vs Rights

The more rights, the more slave you are

To have a future is not a right

The ideologically possessed

The ant soldier

A strategy to trigger helplessness

The magic trick of the collective

The plague of beta-males

What is the common definition of a beta male?

The caretaker is the alpha-male

To link women to reality

"It sucks that we need men"

The beta-male issue

What's the solution?

Men test ideas, women test men

Men are vital to civilization

We had that knowledge before science confirms it

Ideas matter

The MGTOW variable

What is MGTOW

The spirit of the men's tribe

The future of women

The women's womb archetype

The feminine spirit is the heart of humanity...

... until the archetype of the father cut the umbilical cordon to make civilization happen

A contract with an obligation of result

The primary purpose of education. A vital addition

Men need to learn the rules by which we validate knowledge

Beyond critical thinking, the ability to make judgments

The educative doctrine of 'laisser-faire'

The spell of Dolto

A political agenda

Evergreen college: explaining the collapse of civilization

Suddenly, civilization was gone

The hidden flaw

Get rid of the flaw

The origin of the flaw

Beyond the flaw, we need to fight a pattern of thinking

Be brave, stand up. Civilization demands it

The origin of social engineering and the future of civilization

The infinite knowledge of the universe

The circle and the straight line

Zen, perfect balance, and the primitive Gods

When the nature of knowledge itself evolve

What does it take to think?

That ain't thinking son

The cardinal points of thinking

How you think defines the kind of society you will have

Crime against logic

Intellectual rigor

The debate between ancients and moderns

A prerequisite to civilization

The meaning and practice of having intellectual rigor

Solving Zeno of Elea's paradoxes

To have a global philosophy of the world

Making room for reason

To oppose cognitive dissonance

A systemic approach to knowledge

Artificial intelligence

Wise rules

What sense has a result?

The fatal flaw of democracy

The war within

Democracy is defined by whom defines truth

The curse of the individual

The constitution cannot protect against the primitives

Why a zero-sum society does imply power conflicts?

zero-sum vs non-zero-sum economics

The conflicts of possession

The political part of Karl Popper's falsification method and collectivists' nemesis

Falsification, a modern political take

Falsification, collectivists' nemesis

The Achilles' heel of individual-centered society and their economy

A double layer issue

The baker's cake

Unity is strength

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