For the   sake   of


(a Letter to The European Parliament)

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Technical information

The website is developed in PHP language and uses a simple homemade algorithm to do the display job. There are no third-party libraries or cookies. It's quick and has an identity. While I have no problem using third-party technologies when needed, regarding cookies I'm convinced even more today than ever that websites should be forbidden to write and even read any information on a user's computer. I know the "buts...", we just have to find other ways, and if we can't then so be it because the protection of liberties and properties of the individual is of superior interest.

The wrong turn of computers development

The homemade algorithm to display the text allows to do what will be called an old-school style website. I know all the arguments of my generation and those which have succeeded, but the outcome after 25 years of evolution of Internet development is a monstrous conformity, not to mention the rip-off of users' rights and independence. What they refuse to acknowledge is that the convergence of all programming technics and thinking produces a convergence of design and in the relation man-machine. We went from Chambord castle to the royal palace in Stockholm.

Another aspect is that development in computer programing has followed an ideological path from which optimization and creativity are constantly criminalized. Does it cost time and money to do those things and have some liberties? Yes, but the cost of conformism, while not producing an immediate negative outcome, is far higher, and to get out of it very difficult. Conformists rule in mobs. The existence of free individuals reflects their conformism which they hate and refuse to face, but the fear of not being part of a tribe takes over any feelings they have regarding their attitudes and actions.

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